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jeejatools har skrivit ett nytt blogginlägg:

Various Uses Of TCT Circular Saw Blades

TCT circular saw blades are also called carbide saw blades, which can be used for cutting, cross cutting, longitudinal cutting, miter cutting and splitting of all kinds of wood, flooring, softwood, hardwood, chipboard,...

4 år sedan
jeejatools har skrivit ett nytt blogginlägg:

What Is The Function Of TCT Circular Saw Blades?

extra long wood drill bit is cutting tools used by general drills or drilling machines to cut round holes. The basic principle of the drill is to rotate the cutting edge of the drill, cut the workpiece, and then remove the...

4 år sedan
jeejatools har skrivit ett nytt blogginlägg:

How To Remove Tungsten With Tungsten Carbide Hole Saws

After the tungsten carbide hole saws are used in service, the tungsten carbide sprayed on the surface needs to be removed again before the workpiece can be repaired and sprayed again.
However, because the surface hardness of...

4 år sedan
jeejatools har skrivit ett nytt blogginlägg:

Will The Bi-metal In The Bi-metal Hole Saws Expand By Heat?

When the load current passes through the heating wire, the Bi-metal sheet in the Bi-metal hole saws will be thermally deformed. The reason is that the expansion coefficients of the two metal sheets are not the same, so the...

4 år sedan
jeejatools har skrivit ett nytt blogginlägg:

Manufacturing Method Of Bi-metal Hole Saws

At present, the existing metal hole saw is composed of a saw blade, a core column, and a center drill. The saw teeth on the saw blade are regularly arranged, and the teeth are easily broken when opening holes, and the...

4 år sedan