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My humble regards to everyone reading comments on this platform and a great thanks to the admin who made this medium a lively one whereby everyone can share an opinion, I am Mrs. Beate Heister, from New York, United states. I'm a nurse by profession, I had a serious health issue that took me 8 months to get back to work, during this period of eight months I came across an advert with a lot of good comments under the trading broker platform. I was very interested so I decided to contact the trading platform and invest with them, after my first deposit I was told there is an increase in buying stocks so I had to send another funds and this whole thing continued for a good 6 months. before I could realize I was already bankrupt when I discovered that I have been scammed for a total sum of three hundred and fifty seven thousand dollars, I tried to get some recommended hackers online but I ended up getting scammed of an additional thirty-five thousand dollars, it hurts me so much, I already gave it up but then I came in contact with web site and Email: (INFO @ WIZARDWIERZBICKI. COM) who I also message directly via WhatsApp(+1) (845)207? 8532 and he responded to me urgently and helped me to get back all my funds, everything was sent to me at once.  Wierzbicki Programmer proves to me that scammed crypto can be recovered. All thanks to Genius Recovery Advocate WhatsApp:+18452078532 Email: WIZARDWIERZBICKIPROGRAMMER@GMAIL.COM  website: wizardwierzbicki .com There is no shame in becoming a scam victim of one of these sophisticated and predatory operations. By reporting you may be able to recover some or all your lost funds and prevent the scammers from targeting others. Their approach relies on working closely with forensic accountants and other experts, as well as law They have an excellent track record of holding scammers accountable, including asset freezes,  Do not let scammers get away with your hard-earned cash, look for ways to recover your stolen funds To recover your Scammed funds back to your bank account or to your bitcoin wallet address also to Clear or Erase Criminal Records 

vor 1 Jahr
beatehester has left a new comment to the blog:

Recovery of Stolen Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Binary, Forex, Stocks Marketing Stolen funds WHATS APP +1 845 207 8532 WEB SITE: WIZARDWIERZBICKI.COM E MAI: WIZARDWIERZBICKIPROGRAMMER@GMAIL.COM

vor 1 Jahr