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dollyk, Dallas, , Estados Unidos
Sou: Mulher
Idade: 39 | Ver biorrítimo
Lugar: Dallas, Texas, Estados Unidos
Relacionamento: Marriage
Atividade: 03-12-18

entity full of love to share with that one special person
Let me leave you few composition bout me cos i believe as we get to talk more along the line we would learn more about each other but in the mean time i am a realist, an adventurous, laid back, down to earth, easy going, cool headed woman. A mother, a lover, great partner, a prospective nursing student. A happy GO lucky lady. I don't allow bad vibes as i am a positive and profound person. I try to make the best of every opportunity i have in life to create an avenue of happiness and joy for myself and my entire being which include every one around me.
I just want a world enough to relax in for the rest of my life, i dont monger for too much cos sometimes too much generates much more worries and then you end up not having anything. i believe every ones life is what we make it. We either choose happiness or the other way round.
Can't say too much here.. get to know me and you would be glad you found HER
Sobre dollyk
Renda: I'd rather not say
Religião: Catholic
Estado civil: Solteiro(a)
Família: Meus(s) filho(s) não vive(m) comigo
Fuma: Não
Bebe: Socialmente
Carreira: Hospitality/Tourism
Educação: Some College
Altura: 165 cm
Peso: 56 kg
Corpo: Na média
Cabelo: Preto
Olhos: Mel
Outras informações
Raça: Hispanic/Latino
First date: Dinner
Live where: In a city
Living with: With my kids
Appearance: Good looking
Age preference: Age is not Important
Level of faith: I am moderately religious
Spending habits: I am on a budget
Humor: I enjoy a good joke or story