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Shaikiss, Los Angeles, , Stati Uniti
Sesso: Femminile
Età: 33 | Vedi Bioritmo
Da: Los Angeles, California, Stati Uniti
Ultimo login: 26-10-19

Meet me .
I believe that I will be grateful for every day of my life, I will give love and affection to my man, therefore, perhaps I am the most positive, loyal and cheerful person you have ever met. I am a great empath, and this helps me to feel other people and help, to be not only in funny and happy moments of life, but also in bad and sad ones, to help and be support. Would you like to meet me not only on this dating site but also in real life ???

I would be happy to meet an elderly person. Older than me. He must be positive, faithful and practical, who knows a lot about relationships and meetings in real life, as it is necessary for both of us. I am a simple person and want a simple life. is it just in our life to have such a relationship ?? I hope on this online dating sites that I will meet a man here and meet in real life. Maybe you will not mind meeting?

Let’s see what the future holds...
Informazioni su Shaikiss
Guadagno: -
Religione: -
Situazione sentimentale: -
Figli: -
Fumatore/trice: -
Bevitore/trice: -
Carriera: -
Istruzione: -
Altezza: -
Peso: -
Fisico: -
Capelli: -
Occhi: -
Altre informazioni
Etnia: -
First date: -
Live where: -
Living with: -
Aspetto: -
Preferenza dell'età: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -