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weiyileisure, Tantou, , China
Jeg er en: Gutt
Age: 27 | View biorythm
Location: Tantou, Zhejiang, China
Relationship Type: Marriage
Last Activity: 12-12-22 | View blog

Linhai Weiyi Leisure Products Co., Ltd.
Om meg
Linhai Weiyi Leisure Products Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production and processing of outdoor leisure products, hammocks, swings, tents, hanging chairs, and other outdoor leisure products. It has a complete and scientific quality management system. The company's products have gone through many years of factory production, and have accumulated rich experience in designing and producing outdoor products. They are sold to all parts of the country through physical stores, specialty stores, and online, and are exported to Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea, Russia, Africa, Southeast Asia, and other regions.
Om weiyileisure
Income: -
Religion: -
Status: -
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Career: -
Utdanning: -
Høyde: -
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Hårfarge: -
Øyenfarge: -
Other information
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Level of faith: -
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