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Hollykaash, Rockford, , Vereinigte Staaten
Ich bin: Frauen
Alter: 47 | Biorythmus zeigen
Ort: Rockford, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten
Suche: Beziehung
Letzte Aktivität: 16-10-23
Zu Favoriten   

am totally honest & dedicated to the right person,i want an enjoyable relationship without friction
I guess the best way to describe myself is that I'm a nice lady who is considerate and respectful of other people's feelings. I am compassionate, a great listener, and not afraid to show my emotions I believe not only in what a man looks like but his heart plays
Über Hollykaash
Einkommen: -
Religion: -
Status: -
Familie: -
Raucher: -
Trinken: -
Karriere: -
Erziehung: -
Grösse: -
Gewicht: -
Körperbau: -
Haarfarbe: -
Augenfarbe: -
Andere Informationen
Ethnik: -
First date: -
Live where: -
Living with: -
Appearance: -
Age preference: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -