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Chris yg, Murfreesboro, , Stati Uniti
Chris yg
Sesso: Maschile
Età: 39 | Vedi Bioritmo
Da: Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Stati Uniti
Tipo di relazione: Matrimonio
Ultimo login: 01-11-23

Gettin You Home
I believe it is more fun going through life with someone who you have similar interests, hobbies, likes, values, beliefs, etc with.
So, I put long term on the relationship for my match there is a reason for this. I prefer to get to know a person. No, I am not going to want to marry the first time we may meet/talk or even several months down the road. I do prefer to be in a committed relationship between 2 people.The most important thing is COMMITMENT. This means spending physical time together IN PERSON doing things together, working on projects together helping each other, spending time with family and friends together, building a life together..
Informazioni su Chris yg
Guadagno: -
Religione: -
Situazione sentimentale: -
Figli: -
Fumatore/trice: -
Bevitore/trice: -
Carriera: -
Istruzione: -
Altezza: -
Peso: -
Fisico: -
Capelli: -
Occhi: -
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Preferenza dell'età: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -