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Don V 23, Brooklyn, , United States
Don V 23
Jestem: Mężczyzna
Age: 32 | View biorythm
Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States
Relationship Type: Marriage
Last Activity: 01-10-18

Sky is the limit so why settle for dust? If you never ask, you will never
O mnie
Time cant be bought so lets not waste it.

If you're a boring gold digger, dont bother.

Besides that - Ask away :)
o Don V 23
Income: $50,000-$75,000
Religion: Agnostic
Status: Szukam żony/Męża
Dzieci: Chcę dzieci
Papierosy: Czasami
Alkohol: nie piję jestem AA
Career: Inne
Wykształcenie: Średnie
Wzrost: 185 cm
Waga: 78 kg
Sylwetka: Atletyczna
Kolor włosów: Czarne
Kolor oczu: Piwne
Other information
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
First date: Movies
Live where: In a city
Living with: Singiel/ka
Wygląd: Good looking
Age preference: Age is not important
Level of faith: I believe, but I rarely go to services
Spending habits: I usually pick up the tab
Humor: I enjoy a good joke or story